Sunday, 20 January 2008

I try to help but at times it seems hopeless.

The Deep of the Domain is taking us out to lunch down in Cowen when, after parking the motor he races out, pulls out a camera, a camera in public and makes some photographs… in the street… and he makes more than one.

Thinking that I shall have plenty of time to explain to him over the meal, that if he wants to even come close to the standards of the WGAS that all lesser mortals aspire to, there are certain things that simply aren’t done and, if seen, will forever condemn one to a life surrounded by people who make things rather than talk about making things. There will be no chance whatsoever of calling those who talk about the concept of making things one’s peers.

When he then proceeds to photograph people, unknown people, and then talks to them, I realise there is more work here than I had anticipated.


mendacious said...

you could probably photoshop the more obscene colors out- like all that red and purple. those cult hat ladies are everywhere!

rc-d said...

but it is the red hat brigade i was pissed off when certain women wouldn't commit completely and came in pink or some other subdued colour.

by the way it is nearly the end of the month shouldn't m be picking up a pen?