Sunday, 3 February 2008

Things one can do with a 104F fever:

1-Clear the driveway of snow – simply drop and roll a couple of times.
2-Likewise defrost the freezer.
3-Control the temperature of the paper developer in the 60F darkroom – but don’t hold the tank while developing film.
4-Keep hot glue viable longer.
5-Aid in the liquefying of Liquid Light photo emulsion
6-Likewise keep argyrotype solution warm enough so that all the ingredients will go into solution.
7-Develop Polaroid film more quickly.
8-Catch up on all the making of books and postcards as supposedly rest is required.


mendacious said...

this sounds entirely too dangerous.

rc-d said...

it seems a waste not to put all that heat to some useful purpose what with energy lacking.

glad you're back hope the blogless month was fruitful.