Wednesday, 29 July 2009

wow b’y sorry i almost hit you. buddy says trying to turn into university.
but you didn’t and almost doesn’t count.

herman was chatting with his passenger when he started to turn. he was still distracted as here we were holding up traffic on a monday rush hour to talk. we made jokes about how his aim was awful if hunting only the target would be safe. he drives off almost hitting a couple now crossing.

-strike two.

i was ready to leave but had a few chores i wanted to do first one being find some decent pastry, i found that awful motel coffee filled me with enough anxiety for a good eight hours and i didn’t need the energy boost the double double provided until the afternoon.

i thought that circling the island might be a bit ambitious even if i didn’t take into account my constant stopping. i couldn’t decide whether the road not hugging the shore was a good or a bad thing. it meant being able to speed some distances -well not really as i was stopping at anything interesting not just what was along the shore - but it also meant risking a cul-de-sac hoping that there was something interesting at the end of it.

caught on pretty soon, if there was a provincial park at the end i gave it a miss, if there was a wharf, it was a definite trip. this decision did slow the trip a great deal as i started chatting with people along the way.

looking at a house across from deb who was born down the road but now lives in ontario, she told me that it was owned by someone who wants to pull it down as he wants to store his boats, the last person who owned, she said as she was leading in the house, kept racoons upstairs - she said it was their green gardens.

she was quite upset as it seems that someone had pulled out the bannisters.

remarked that i am surprised. the way that i saw the island going this would be some bed and breakfast or worse pulled down so that some resort village could be built. the owner had been approach but he wants it for his boats.

when she told me when she heard of my plans, that the area around cavendish is all tourist all the time - anne of green gables land. my resolve weakened. i had seen the wood islands ferry and it seemed that they was a place on the ferry out of north sydney.

the island was nice but as far as coastal drives it was pretty lacking - or it is my warped character for what they had annotated i had no interest in places of interest and their signs didn’t seem to show to points of habitation.

stopped again in annandale where craig saw me and stopped for a chat - even got out of his pick up so that i could photograph him. later he showed me a rarity - he says - a working fisherman. craig fishes tuna, crab, lobster. he also tells me to steer clear of cavendish but the rest of the north shore is ok. he also said when i leave the island take the ferry it runs every 90 minutes but wasn’t sure when.

one would think that i would become more adept at seeing and reacting to what i saw but the reaction time didn’t lessen at all. the working method was pretty much set stopped when i saw signs of sparse populations’ gathering points - ball parks out paced churches and community halls.

stopped at east point to add another eastern most point to the list of points made - passed mario lorde and his family on the way.

i had to stop at naufrage - simply because of the name - well worth it with the mix of traditional fishing village with tourist cafés and motels with a wind farm in the distance.

in saint peters after having a craving for a slurpee, saw an information centre - saw it as there was a house being launched but someone forgot about the power lines blocking all of st peters.

asked about the wood islands ferry she gave me a schedule it was leaving on the south shore in an hour - a bee line straight through the middle of the island - stopping only twice - making it with 20 minutes to spare.

at least it was a ferry i thought and it was the northumberland ferry lines was only missing a letter.

in the hotel in new glasgow phoned marine-atlantic about a space on the sailing to-morrow midnight.


strike two.

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