Wednesday, 23 May 2012

it is the last day of the term, i hang around just enough to not look like i am racing out of the building but too late to take the train back to peasant’s pissoir. but i had a plan i would take the train to a bus then walk through bits of illinois beach state park to my bike at the station where i went into chicago.

i was reasoning that this would get me out of this grand lethargy of the part four months. the three mile walk through the park with clodoaldo would get me in the habit of not only making snaps but forcing me to slow down.

near the end of the walk i passed the house, the one that used to have the new pratt designed flag that disappeared a few years back. the machine’s plate in the driveway  still is NEWFIE.

as i pass a couple leave the house.

-excuse me but where do you belong? i ask
-i’m from corner brook newfoundl…
-yeah i stayed in curling in the old bank of montréal building that my evil twin used to own.

she was born in curling, used to walk the railway tracks downtown.
i could place her house.
we talked of taylor’s shop.
she knew tom my barber.
when i mentioned bonne bay, reminisced about the ferry to norris point.
she had family in englee, conche in fact all along the great northern. 

been exiled here for some time sister in ontario
her neighbours think that NEWFIE  means that she has a newfoundland dog.
still has the house in curling.
the flag was ragged and in the back
she should get another
invited me back for a mug up.

for some reason felt somewhat energised.

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