stung by a hornet on the ear while at the torbay road irving gasbar.
sam and percy are out chatting with the man in the car down by the town hall, henry has his case of canadian and is hanging outside of bruce’s a different set of sunglasses later i see that he is waiting for a lift back from bruce’s
-still at it eh. he laughs – i see you everywhere.
-then you must be everywhere also and also still at it.
i’m back from sullivan’s farm where i bought two courgettes $1,25. and was heading to bruce’s in the hopes of finding some dijon mustard. was also sizing up the boarded up house by bruce across from the pipe house. the view is not bad, tear out the entryway make a deck along the entire front of the house. and except for the noise along the main road…found only the yellow kind of mustard. feel strange asking for dijon in bruce’s. hand dannie a loonie. so much for trying to establish credibility as a cook.
moira is having a soiree – rhymes with sorry definitely not a soirée – and everyone is to bring a dish. it is easier when one only has to bring beer. it is so that all the residents can meet. jim and ange are coming up.
henry sees the mustard and asks if i have some dogs for that. mention two beagles up the road will they do? he laughs. he asks me if i knew john when he was at the pipe house? no he shows me the drawing of henry’s cup on the wall of bruce’s beside my snaps. he said that he and john would walk a bit and drink.
-around here? where? the satellite lounge is a bit far.
he pats his case of canadian.
i leave but wanted to ask if noelle ever got the calendar i sent so i return as i do a car pulls up with a dog in it. i point to the mustard and then to the dog. henry laughs again.
i say that i don’t see much of henry as he usually is at bruce’s when he opens in the morning, yeah the coffee he says.
have mixed feelings about the soiree, it is friday time is getting shorted it could have been a day of travel or compiling all these little things that i want to do instead i am trying to bake a flanish sort of pie from memory – thanks google.
went in to post the blog but ange’s computer had died. i guessed poorly again. the plan was to buy what i knew i could only get at dominion – rennetless organic president’s choice mozzarella, tomatoes and garlic – then head out to buy the rest in pouch.
took the long way to dominion headed out the t.c.h. to conception bay south and rambled back on highway 60. found the manuels river linear park which looked like a nice walk photographed the irving gas bar beside it and remembered that i hadn’t bought bagels in st. john’s
again one more area that i wish that i had time to explore, cbs and the towns around it are nightmarish – at one time small communities that are now being overwhelmed by their proximity to st. john’s. subdivisions are sprouting up everywhere. on one tolt there is a concrete water tower. older conveniences are closing community meeting places are falling into disarray all of this within sight of conception bay.
didn’t stop. it could be due to not really being in an ironic mood. made mental notes and consulted my mental schedule to see when i could fit this back in. sunday when i want to try to make decent snaps of georgetown – when back from the marathon trip to-morrow to the barrens and st. vincent, i’ll be happy to stay around the capital. but that is the evening that i shall want to try to document the gas bars at dusk. perhaps if i break it up into morning afternoon and evening…monday will be taken up in wrapping things up.
needing bagels i head back into st. john’s before buying what i’ll need for the soiree.
buying the courgettes i was brought a plastic bag with marrow sized courgettes two was more than enough tried to choose the smallest of the bunch. he jars his own pickles had some jams, the potatoes come from ted’s next door.
was worried that their taste would be compromised by the size but again i was wrong. sampling a piece i sliced it was very tasty ate half not believing that this is the same veg that they sell in markets. it was a shame to bake it.
walked about pouch while the pie – a layer of – preferably dijon mustard, a layer of mozzarella cheese, courgettes, tomatoes, sprinkled with olive oil and minced garlic – was baking.
met cuyler (sp) patrick corey hynds when he came up to ask who was i? he was on his bike heading up sullivan’s loop, i asked who he was and got his name wrong. which upset him. made his snap and we went opposite ways.
later walking down to the park by the town hall he was biking with beth ann and her kids when he abandoned them and latched on to me again. wanting to play with the laptop, wanting to see what i was writing, i was afraid that the battery life would go trying to keep up a conversation with him while writing.
the change of venue was in the hopes that the skateboarders would be out tonight and i could make snaps of them. being in sullivan’s loop is nice and quiet but it is isolated so i don’t know what is going on “in town”.
cuyler left and came back many times while i was here, again my south of the 49th mentality made me a bit nervous this kid who was so willing to give up all sorts of information to strangers – it was good that he went home and told his parents everything but again in the land above mexico i could see shocks of horror occurring in similar circumstances. the kids in the cul de dac in peasants pissoir are never out of sight of their parents. here cuyler is biking all over. so much p.p.’s loss.
i also may be creating a great faux pas. it is early evening and it is the time of transition between the older group – sam, percy, etc. who have probably gone home to supper and the teens who have started to do wheelies and cruise the ocean front before stopping and doing more or less the same thing the morning crowd does - sit in their cars and talk to each other. the main difference is the morning crowd looks out at the see the evening away from it.
i have a feeling that the late teens would chase away the young teens so it looks like i have missed them again – time is running out.
there are more birds on the ocean to-day . the rocks behind the town hall are filling up and quite a few are floating over the waves.
all the ambient sounds are intermingling – waves, tyres on gravel, gulls’ cries, muffled voices, wind, claxon.
Science and Art
The teaching of the sciences and the arts needs to be conjoined and
sustained from the earliest stages of education. In the Foreward to
Platinotype my frie...
1 year ago
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