So it is not the cold. It was –18C. I had to head over to the new Gallery 2 – one floor above the old which had it fit in the with ivory tower aspect of the WGAS. I always walk. I hadn’t the usual paraphernalia that I use as an excuse for not being able to get to the cameras but even so I took a 35mm autofocus SLR that was one step up from a point and shoot and kept it out. I chose the least walked route I could think of.
I was to go G2 then head up to River North all before the 16:13 train back to Winthrop Harbour. It was 12:30.
The wander was fine. The weather wasn’t bad at all and since the camera did everything for me, my point of vulnerability – my hands – were kept warm as much as possible.
As this was an attempt to stave off lethargy and prove that I can get out to make work, I had colour film and for some reason the camera did for me what Holgas supposedly do for other – frees one up.
Cannot remember what I actually photographed a roll was used before I made it to the West Loop and not thinking I only had one roll for the camera. Brought out the leiquinha, exactly the opposite, had to focus, had to meter, had to wind on but continued to make snaps wandering about Greek Town and on the way up to River North. Again the route was one that I rarely take and it seemed to pay off.
The day also helped in reminding me what I can do in a day. worrying about making it up to River North – I wanted to see the galleries there but had been trying to get to Stephen Daiter to see the book that had published by, an on demand publisher. Was worried. I left G2 at 3PM and didn’t want to miss the train. I always want out of Chicago and to-day was no different. Walking up Halsted Street, I stopped to photograph two frozen beer glasses placed delicately on a frame outside a restaurant.
- Hey did you photograph me? A man hiding from work having a ciggie asked after I had made the snap.
- No
- Are you sure?
- Yeah
Ah yes, everyone paranoid, everyone suspicious.
Never the less the walk helped reinforce the idea that there is more time then I usually think and that the only impediment to making snaps was me.
Science and Art
The teaching of the sciences and the arts needs to be conjoined and
sustained from the earliest stages of education. In the Foreward to
Platinotype my frie...
1 year ago
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