i can tell when i am not disciplined as indecision sets in. i was to meet the trotsky of the tute in exile from the stalinist purge from the puppet leader of the department and her minion. hadn’t spoken in some time as i didn’t want to rehash school matters in front of him when he was now free - rancourous but free - and on to better things. he told stories of departments that were enthusiastic and engaged. the indecision came in as i was trying to choose what i was going to the walker’s wander.
actually i as indecisive about everything - the train to catch as i didn’t want to have to race to his place but didn’t want to go too long without coffee. i had determined that this semester was to be that of the 35mm when in cities and i had become quite good at only bringing the leiquinhas when i headed down to the school of archaic ideas in creativity i have even disciplined myself to stop even laden with all the modern didactic paraphernalia. this was different, although i wanted to start “note-taking” this was when i left the little ones at home and brought out the big’uns.
did decide on the leiquinhas, more or less telling myself not to head places where i would regret leaving joãozão behind -alleys, busy street corners anything that would hint at urban formalism. the leiquinhas were the cameras of things. surprisingly the day went fluidly images seemed to present themselves. i once again noticed that i situate myself closer with the leiquinhas than with anything bigger.
it was also nice to be cleansed of the lethargy of the state of anarchic indecisive challenges. down ashland diverting to see where an former inmate lived some snaps of what people had in front of their houses. quite a few snaps when back on ashland of the yet unopened businesses on the west side of the avenue, light streaming in. it was that magic time of the day too early for the businesses to be open but too late for the last prostitutes. i used the penetrating light at a restaurant at ashland and north, a bit early so wandered a bit more than as usual realised that i really wasn’t that early and walked with determination toward the safe house which meaned that now i saw more things to photograph which had me stopping even more frequently.
i tried my best not to talk of the asylum but it seems that lacking a life outside it makes for long silences when i try to think of other topics. wandered he neighbourhood as it was monday and it seems that people in bucktown don’t eat at the beginning of the week.
afterwards there was just enough time to make the train out of chicago if i walked with a purpose to the stop at clybourn, which i did except for the street furniture in wood street and the remnants of the homeless underneath the arches of the kennedy. my method of walking being photographic wind sprints. walk with purpose to make time to stop a bit to have a look repeating this with more urgency as both the station and the time become nearer.
Science and Art
The teaching of the sciences and the arts needs to be conjoined and
sustained from the earliest stages of education. In the Foreward to
Platinotype my frie...
1 year ago
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