Wednesday, 23 August 2006



mendacious said...

love love LOVE the little books!!!

rc-d said...

now everyone who reads the weblog - all three of them - will now want one

Anonymous said...

hey clarke you are in the city of my youth...i wonder of you have been down mission or up to the top of north beach, there is a street there is my favorite, it goes all the way down with gardens and your forgotten italian who lives in jamaica
ny that is
love your new work

rc-d said...

yeah i wandered north beach a great deal as i have this draw to the beats and city lights also wandered along columbus passing american zoetrope.

wanted to hit the mission this time but i became frustrated with the grime of valencia, stayed there when i was there about six years ago. but still prefer the more laid back areas south of golden gate park along say judah.