Sunday, 11 February 2007

Illogical wants

For some reason, I was surfing the usual haunts where I look for used cameras. Don’t know why for despite the anxious moments trying to develop the film this time, it seems that I had finally figured out what to take with me when I head north and east. I had ignored the siren calls of those about me who are now ga ga over the new Panasonic/Leica point and shoot digital camera thinking that I worked pretty well with film and the good folks at dominion. The Mamiya 6 comported itself well.

But there it was in a site that will remain nameless in case I give in, there it was a Plaubel W67. the camera that fits my psyche perfectly, it compacts to the size of a paper back allowing it to be stowed and carried with me constantly. Since I see what I do as constant note taking, the camera fills the role perfectly. Here in the states it is the camera that I carry most of the time. it simply didn’t go north and east as it is on its last legs. Being 20 years old – something that we will never see again in photography as new cameras are outdated semi annually – the bellows are duct taped to cover the holes and there is so much of it the lens won’t lock when it is retracted into the body, the focus scale is missing, more tape is used to keep out light where light baffles used to be – think the type of camera Red Green would use. The Mamiya was bought when the Plaubels were discontinued and I couldn’t really justify $600 repairs with the camera away for months at a time as repair shops searched for parts.

The Mamiya while small is bulky. It doesn’t compact as well. It makes an indentation in my back it is difficult to get out of the bag – as I noticed in the airport at the first sighting of a Newfoundlander awaiting the plane that seemed would never come.

So here it is a worthy replacement at only double the price the camera sold for new – actually 2 1/2 times. I trust the person who is selling it but do I trust that there are parts for a 25 year old camera that was discontinued 15 years ago? What I am hoping for here is that my indecision will resolve this. It is still there, however, taunting me from the site. I am surprised it has lasted this long.


Anonymous said...

The short life cycle of new technologies makes me angry and sad: it's immensely wasteful and also does not allow objects to take on the dings and scratches that give them personality. Well, I guess that it might better be said: we don't spend enough time with each item to get to know it properly; and new Camera X is not our Camera X but rather an instance of Camera X.

rc-d said...


displayname said...

buy it buy it buy it buy it buy it it is your duty as THE obscure midwestern photographer buy it buy it buy it you know you want it buy it buy it buy it

rc-d said...

just what i would expect from a texan swimming in crude.

Anonymous said...

The soon-not-to-be-Utahn agrees with the Texan! It can be YOUR camera to put dings on!

rc-d said...

yeah but then again you are comfortably well off being able to move jobs at will

Anonymous said...

lets see the scratches and dings on your laptops!

rc-d said...

it isn't my laptop it belongs to the wgas so i really don't care.

the life expectancy of a laptop is about the same as the attention span of a bfa candidate at the wgas.

but where did "dings' come from? i am not worried about dings as you would know from the exploits of ziquinho and ubaldo this summer. i am worried about putting out $2000 for a camera that when it breaks i may not be able to get it fixed.

Anonymous said...

Utahn: ooooooo snap! I kick you in the shins for that!