One counts one’s lucky stars when one ventures away from the WGAS and see how those less fortunate have to contend with the art world.
A field trip to Milwaukee to see an Eastern European photography exhibit and the MFA show of a former inmate from the WGAS now at UWM.
It was a graduating class of eight I believe. I couldn’t count them them all for instead of getting the usual 20 feet of running space “curated” by a faculty member and that 4H club feel, the recovering WGAS BFA had half the gallery.
What is she to think when she enters the real world and expects galleries to look like this. Why would the good misguided folk at UWM get her hopes up into thinking that art can stand without a rave or a carnival atmosphere. Their students will come to expect to be able to control lighting, a space that doesn’t look like a maze and not completing with an adjoining work that comprises pink, neon and constant white noise, or worse an interior architecture display.
It is nice that schools like ours along with other more enlightened centres of learning like say the Visually Challenged University show their truth faith in art by mimicking the artfairs that with summer almost here are just around the corner. The only blessing is the lower tuition which seems only fair considering…
I think I should pass on that new name to Sonya, she might be open to the idea.
(one visiting artist said we should all be a part of sculpture...Sonya was mad about that for months.)
But how come you get "great" and we get "challenged", is that because of the price difference?
i've seen sonya's work...
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