We head down to Columbia College, Amy and me, to listen to Tim Davis talk. Want to make the effort to go to their lectures again. It brings back memories of my time there. I want to see who still goes from Columbia.
While the area is gentrifying quickly due mainly to Columbia and the other colleges just north of it, it still can be a bit raw, but even so there are no blockades at the Michigan Avenue entrance, nor the Harrison Street one. There is a lone security guard well beyond the lift, the foyer is teeming with students and non students alike. We walk by and head into the auditorium. I find my seat then head up to the second floor to the toilet before the lecture.
After the lecture we all wander over to the gallery to have some of the wine and cheese before heading out.
Back over at THE School facing the park, around the corner from where Daley is dumping money for beautification of the lakefront, the security guard wants me to scan my I.D. as I pass through the barrier before entering nearly deserted building.
Yea, I went to the restroom before working today.
wow they're scanning shite now? that's CRAZY! what are they protecting exactly?
(and of course we know you guys went to columbia for the free wine and cheese- you're not fooling anyone!)
of course we did and the nice thick tortilla chips and the choice of salsa and the raw veg trays. tryng to maintain my working class hero persona i would have preferred beer.
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