Saturday, 21 April 2007

I can hear the Yinser Morman now screeching that I should have seen her Midwestern New England boyfriend – I am bracing for the cackles and told you so’s between the Iron City spewing out her nose.

Am coasting along on the fact that my evil twin gave me all this space for the show. Been systematically scanning, spotting and correcting prints so that I can turn in two a week to the service bureau so that by the time I head to Duke I’ll have twenty prints to cull down when I am in the space. Am proud of myself for except for a week in there someplace I had been able to work to the schedule and have two prints done.

Before heading to Balamer I decided to try out this new paper that is being offered, silver rag from – which I have used and normally wouldn’t have thought of switching but I had finally printed all – but one – of the 10x8 and was now starting on the prints from Ubaldo and Ubirajara. A logical time to try something new.

That was a mistake – I am new to all this digital machinations and don’t feel that anything should try to be something else but instead use the traits that come with the technology to broaden the vocabulary.

So when I saw that greys seemed to be sort of solarised out when using Moab Entrada on the Roland printer – supposedly a better printer – I thought chalk it up to digital.

So imagine my shock – yeah yeah yeah yinser! – when the silver rag had none of that – the tones were smooth the areas looked better and the slight warmth of the paper made what I thought was a nicer image over all. not mimicking a silver gelatine print but a large hand coated type of feel.

The next two images the first of this group –will be on this paper. There will be 10 in all.

I was now thinking about the ten already completed images ten images that cost me $56 each to make – that is 9 pints of Smithwicks in Duke money - I had a moments hesitation. Being at the WGAS had me thinking that I should declare the series conceptual and thus image quality not important it’s the thought that counts.

I snapped out of that lapse in rationality quite quickly and decided that I would have to re-do the images. The rationalisation would be chalked up to the learning process, it isn’t all that bad and I wouldn’t have been aware of it even if someone had explained it to me. I would have had to see it.

The files are ready there is plenty of time I simply have to divert some funds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Der iddn’t any Ahrn City bir awt here- so I picked up someanat Polyigamy Pale Ale (cause just one is never enough).

It will all be OK.

Chalk the ‘solarization’ of Roland on Moab up to poor profiling (or no profiling at WGAS). And check into getting money back for it. Solarization- maybe too much black ink- or the wrong ink set...?

Silver rag? Moab Fiber Gloss? Nice stuff. Saw Piezo’s soon to be sold gloss- oh it will be nice.