Postage went up. I was prepared for it what is 2¢ it is just part of inflation, I thought as I made a ceremonial effort to get everything over to the Bristol Post Office before the increase on Monday. What I missed I missed.
Then picking up a chart to see how much those cards Europe and the True North Strong and Free, I noticed that it wasn’t as easy as I thought. I can afford even the 6¢ rise to the rest of the world outside of North America but hidden in all of this is a new rate calculation – size – well size and thickness – anyone outside of Mercedes SUV driving artists notice the similarity to pricing porn?
It seems that my clear wraps are fine as first class but the mailings of the books of wander will go from 39¢ the first ounce to$1.13 as it is no longer a fat letter but a parcel and thus will cost more.
It won’t be nearly that bad as they usually weigh between three and four ounces at four ounces it is only 33¢ more while not quite the sticker shock I first saw this will make my already national debt sized postal bill out of control.
It is time to cull.
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