Thursday, 29 January 2009


an eight hour dusk heading west as i was wondering how i was going to combat jet lag. looked out the window through the clouds then settled in for a woody allen film festival manhatten and vicky christina barcelona.

the nice man at the s.a.s. ticket counter when i asked if the seat was on the aisle as i not so subtly stretched my leg, said yes but upgraded me to a the better economy section. wish he hadn’t been so nice as the back of the plane was empty and while i now had lot of room as i was just behind business class, i was now sitting beside someone. when we were off the ground i slummed it in the back section.

heard someone say that reading while travelling was a waste of the view and i found that true with land based travel, didn’t think it applied to the air. thinking back it seems illogical as i am constantly looking at maps but i really had no interest what was below me until the plane was over the ungava bay. stupidly looked to see if there was a difference between labrador, québec and nunavut.

i was told that copenhagen is the height of labrador but with the weather suitable for biking and a sweater, i doubt there would be bragging rights with kennedy that i was further north than his trip to nain.

looking down on the true north, i was gobsmacked all that white, looked for any sort of habitation and found none. from the plane i could only differentiate land from water by the patterns of white. it was the expanse. there was nothing but white as far as i could see. i have flown over the plains but with the blatant patterning of crops and with points of habitation curtailed the feeling of being overwhelmed.

i wanted to explore so much so that i might even buy a winter coat to do so. followed the shore of hudson bay. where there were straight lines in the white now, ice roads or some sort of northern mirage.

from maps i scoffed at places like timmins - how could they call that north - but seeing it while heading south those first lights maybe i was wrong. maybe not north but certainly distanced.

dreams of driving to the klondike are awakened again - who can resist motoring along the top of the world highway?

an email from kmack who is just back from st. petersburg, russia and is off to fairbanks - just as i start the spring semester. curb the envy by thinking that she’ll flying instead of motoring.

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