Friday, 16 January 2009

late afternoon wander

the day was still young we were back just before one and well this meant more time for wandering. i had to make use a real sunday when few shops were open - it was refreshing to see that people didn’t need a consumer fix seven days a week. it was suggested that i head toward town staying close to the sound as there would be this “klondike” type of area.

this was good test of what i gravitate to and why but more so why it changes. headed down tuborg boulevard but behind it so that i was walking between it and the indoor shopping mall, i didn’t want things too clean for some reason.

this disappeared - when i entered condo-corporation land. large areas of polished stone tables set out in nice lines, i talk about things formal but this was handed to me on a plate with a spoon gagging me to make sure i took it in. headed back to the street walking through some construction to feel like i had some control on my placement of objects in the frame. i also am not interested in cynical pictures of alienating environments. picking on newtowns seems too easy.

the walk went well i guess don’t remember anything that i took with ziquinho, i found that the digital was becoming the tourist camera the one that would make the images that would prove that i was here. but it was also being used for the shops.

the reason that i don’t remember the walk is due to it was in areas that i tend to avoid and a bit of a culture shock from the coastal ride. when i left the 02 at nordhavn station, and was confronted with large blocks of flats along østbanegade, i was at a loss. it was a boulevard, there weren’t as many small shops. the streets seemed to run parallel - well as parallel as possible here so i felt there was no real reason to take one street over the other. this is really wrong headed as simply because streets are gridded doesn’t mean that they are the same. i, however came to less corners where there seemed to be an actual choice.
calmed a bit when i found some taverns

-who are you? a tavern owner asks.
-am photographing corner taverns.

i try to vary the walk but i become confused with a destination now. i think of maybe making it to bredgade which means a diversion is now measured in time as well as distance. this is exacerbated by the shortened day.

i try not to race, i don’t take out a map, i do walk with a purpose, but i stop when i think there might be something and i do turn down streets that have potential even it is to turn back again.

things to do in the future
-explore the courtyards
-spend time in parks
because i wasn’t looking at map i took the “wrong” street at østerport station. the street chosen had a statue -kronprinnessegade.

common occurrences when photographing - no matter how empty the street when a photograph is to be made the slowest people in existence will appear and take hours to cross the frame.

the “mistake” was fine as i ran into nyborder, which ironically had the same symmetricality as new turborg boulevard. here being much older and thus lived in that veneer of slickness was bordering on quaintness. nevertheless i didn’t mind looking for the unique and human in a place where the inhabitants met me half way.

i found that by about 3pm i start to look and guess how much light there is left and at that time it seems to be fine. i then notice the led having a hard time rising in the viewfinder and while it isn’t dark there is a long duckish period.

it is at this time that i prefer to photograph the shops and cafés as it is now that their light is in balance with the sky. entering the eastern end of strøget i am find coming out at the west there is only light for the pølser stand near the station.


Sangi said...


rc-d said...

other side of town