this always happens i hit my stride to-day with one day remaining on the trip. this was the perfect day but i get ahead of myself...
i know that people think that i don’t appreciate the suggestions of places that i should see - especially after a day of wandering it seems that i never actually get to these places. i do appreciate their input and it does help not so much in seeing culture that they want me to see. heading to a museum on a perfectly nice day or a part of town with period architecture, are great suggestion and i do follow up on them - except for the museums - as any place is a new place. i simply don’t come back with snaps of what they sent me to see.
by now due to this the conversation starts you’ll probably not be interested in... but... the blanks were a gas bar done by a known architect up in bellevue. they were correct but i did lwant to head up the coast more and it was suggested as now they know what i am going to do that i might also like the fishing villages in the area.
sounded interesting as driving up to the summer home there were places along the way that i wish that i had more time for. but i couldn’t walk could i take the bike. kirsten offered me hers first but while it was in better shape i though it a bit small. i was also afraid i would mess it up.
bent’s was in that state of decay that was perfect.
needed to fill up tyres with air he said but off i went.
with the bike the outing was extended i was told about raadvad which was denmark’s first industrial town. mills allowed for textiles and armaments. it was in the middle of nowhere - actually it was in the middle of a royal forest and now with a bike i could make it there.
so as it got light out, there was no light on the bike, i hopped on found the bike too small and pedalled off to the bikeway north. i was being passed by everyone due to me not being able to straighten my legs but no matter i was heading up the coast.
the trip was a mini photographic culture shock. i had been dealing with urban areas. no grand vistas no infinity, every part of the image busy. now it was more quiet more empty, there was an horizon. i wasn’t quite sure what to do.
i was reminded of the british seacoast - the mauze helped. there were people out and about - bathers heading to the charlottenlund søbad. a group of young students enjoying a day at the beach in bellevue. in tårbæk a person thinking that i owned the shop that i was photographing asked when it would be open and was then impressed when he heard that i was heading to raadvad, there is a blind road there. i did want to start a coastal series again. think it odd that i don’t include the rock when i think of coastal series. due to the shock of what was around me i clung to what i had been photographing - shops, cafés, some formal ditties but i also started photographing situations - the problematic snaps that i make where people see them as sad as there is an empty table or a left chair. rather than what i tend to feel - the “be right back” aspect of the image.
bent gave me a map so that i wouldn’t get lost. despite the male stereotype of not reading maps, i left it at his place so that i could be lost. maps lead to efficiency and i didn’t want any of that. if i had had a map i would have found a shorter route to raadvad and missed some snaps as my way to the village had me north of it before heading west.
had to stop twice to open gates to the forest - jægersborg dyrehave - once to enter it again to leave it. one other person biking to the village, entering i hit recess at the school.
because of my inherent antisocial nature, i liked the village. it made woody point look like williamsburg as the entire town was along one street and then only on one side of the that. it seems that one would have to go out of town to get anything that wasn’t artesan related but then again i live in a suburb and this way of life is normal except that i don’t have the option of biking through a forest for provisions.
deep mauze, two people chatting at the fence of a house. pass georg jensen’s birthplace. photograph the lake, as i turn to photograph the town, hundreds of students descend and walk in single file pass the shops, i saw no bus and wonder where they come from. by now i know that waiting is part of what i have to do. wandering wasn’t an option as i could cover every street with no problem.
the place had stone carvers, blacksmiths, textile workshops tried to photograph the place without photographing the work.
kept to my decision not to retrace my steps out of town, headed into the forest again this time heading toward the hermitage, passing through a golf course with the greens covered.
the bike became a problem as i couldn’t make these minor hills due to the level of the seat. with each hill i wanted out of the forest but of course when i had the option, i chose to stay within the woods.
another serendipitous choice as i ran into the bakken, i was going to turn onto the main road when i saw this van heading toward than in an amusement park. my north american character had me wondering if i could enter biked in only to look, then only to make a few snaps, then left the bike - should have locked i guess - did thorough look see thought that i would have a look but each curve sent me further into the park. workers were getting it ready for the season’s opening which i hear is a big deal, bikers fill the road back to hellerup for the opening day.
left the park on the wrong road instead of heading south i was heading west, twigged when i went over the motorway to copenhagen. this a a bit of a setback, the small bike had my legs aching and with no map i had to figure out which way to go by the highways. left the forest and onto paved roads which helped my knees but not before i ran into another set of allotments. made good choices as i was on a diagonal that took me into hellerup just north of a park.
fell off the bike back at the house...
Science and Art
The teaching of the sciences and the arts needs to be conjoined and
sustained from the earliest stages of education. In the Foreward to
Platinotype my frie...
1 year ago
1 comment:
beautiful, i always come visit to go places here.
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