It was there, on the counter, waiting for me as I came back from the BFA. An envelop with the yellow and green chevrons, a postal machine cancellation, “via áerea”. It was thin but I am used to thin replies and know fully well what it means.
Put my stuff down took out the “souvenirs” from the BFA show and then opened it.
I was wrong. It could be the fact that more things can be done by internet to-day that these sorts of letters don’t have to be a fat as they once were.
It was from the Faculdade de Comunicação da UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense - from their new campus that blocked is build on the landfill outside the house in Passo da Pátria in Gragoatá which moved the beach from the front door to a goo 500 metres away. The same UFF that had turned me down as a communication student back in the 70’s when I wanted to move to Brasil. The same UFF that was down the way from the last place that I stay when I lived in Icaraí, next to the Gruta da Capri.
It was letter of acceptance to teach there full time in that every same department that found that being North American during the regime of Costa e Silva wasn’t what they were looking for.
Even if it weren’t more than I am getting now the difference in cost of living makes me rich. I can now daydream on whether I want to take up my former fluminense status and live in Ingá or or São Domingos – won’t live in Icaraí anymore - too chi chi or xi xi – or head out further toward the Atlantic - Piratininga? Itaipuaçu?
Or do the reverse commute – become a carioca
– live in Sta. Teresa – better butequins cooler summers and take the ferry across on the days that I have to be there – the irony of reversing the 70’s when I would race over to Rio.
Cafèzinho instead of espresso no Starbucks yet, not having to complain to Jamba Juice and their watering down the drink when I need my açaí fix – better still not having to try to taste it through the other fruits that are included here. Two cities made for a flâneur and a society that still takes to the streets.
Come October…
So are you going?
felicidades. of course you are going, its about time...
wow, that's awesome for you...but, but, but?
ok gang
look at the title of the posting
then look at the date of the posting...
Is that as evil as me telling everyone I was pregnant today? Yes we think so, although I don't really see why babies are so scary...although Jake would differ.
Since I am laughing I imagine you are too!
wait, what?
ah, huh?
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