Tuesday, 10 April 2007

why the post is better than e-mail

on the way to the post officeCOUNTY TRUNK ML NEAR 94TH PLACE COUNTY TRUNK Q(104th Street) WEST OF 136th AVENUE
COUNTY TRUNK D ( 184th avenue) BETWEEN COUNTY TRUNK C (wilmot road)
and 83rd AVENUE


Anna P. said...

The post is better because it takes longer to have snotty little replies appear. Also it is impossible to send golden coconuts and popcorn bags via email.

rc-d said...

popcorn bags...?

oh oh.

Anna P. said...

Yeah, the one you received from the Lincoln Park zoo. I recall Carol collected it from the mailbox...

I have linked you and I copied your dot-o-map just to confirm that I do have two readers out there. Well technically if you are counted as 3 personalities...I have 4 readers. Feeling pretty computer savy right now. The word verification makes me woosy

rc-d said...

it is either my age or you confused me with all those other photographers you know in the hogbutcher to the world.

word verification looks like my standard typing.

Anna P. said...

yeah, probably your age. Which personality is it now...

Anonymous said...

mmmmm the rc-d landscape.
my favorite!

Anonymous said...

I think people are more tolerable in writing rather than in person, so email works just as well for that. Going to the post here is not so pretty...walking up Broad alone is asking for flirtation.