Friday 20 July 2007

A day out of sync. I cannot blame it on the rain as it has rained before but to-day I couldn’t overcome it. To make matters worse I was fully aware of my “mortality” and couldn’t function at all as everything reminded me of my impending banishment. I froze.

I think this had to do with the way that the rain effected me. If it had been earlier there would have been no problem but so late in my stay when there were things I wanted to do, instead of going into a hyperactive state I shut down. Day gone nothing accomplished.

I am also realising what I won’t be able to do this time and that frustrates me. I made the mistake of looking at a map to dream about the Bay D’espoir Highway and noticed Green Bay – well Baie Verte – enough to have my mind racing then coming to a screeching halt.

I had been averaging about 7 rolls a day over the last three only 5. It is against my nature to wind down.

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