Saturday, 21 July 2007

Still trying to adjust to leaving, as while this time has been productive, it has been out of the normal – if there is a normal when I am up here.

The last week is usually a grand push to get to places and do things that I haven’t had the chance to due to something or other. There would be a couple of long outings as well as places close by where there were potential images that were missed.

This time this isn’t happening – or rather happening on a much reduced scale.

Yesterday out to Maddox Cove winding through this subdivision to photograph a ballpark that I had been passing for weeks now and had put off – either because I was speeding by or because it was being used. I had tried the evening before to try to get me out of the funk that set in when I really did realise that I was going but it was too late in the evening.

With the puddle around home plate, there was no fear of it being used anytime soon now I only had to worry about the rain.

An early morning two hour wander through the residential streets around downtown – taxis stopping and honking for passengers who weren’t ready, people out on their porches or steps having a ciggie and a coffee, some nod some don’t St John’s is becoming more cosmopolitan. Behind Mile One, past the Anglican Cathedral, taking paths rather than streets over to Bishop Field’s School King Street then back greeting the traffic wardens as they ready their ticket books.

The Globe and a Baguette at Auntie Crae’s

Carol now up it is off to Auntie Crae’s for coffee and a partridgeberry scone – think typical now they are available. Joke with the trainee cashier as she recognised me from 15 minutes before. Gives the wrong change and to apologise points to her badge.

-I thought you were French – Trainée
-nope gaelic.

Kids were playing with their dogs on the field when we got there. When I got there there were three kids exercising their dogs, that were having a great time jumping in the puddles and chasing one another in and out of the dugouts, but made it difficult for me. Worked around them trying to remember a spot where I thought there would be a good snap – of course didn’t. Caught one of the dogs that escaped then photographed the kids with them as they thought that I was a photographer, and said that this was a beautiful place.

Made more snaps after they cleared and did the same.

Up to Tj’s to settle the rental. TJ says that they lied convincingly about me in the Tely – said that I hadn’t seen it and proceeds to dig up every issue lying around the place to try and find it – to no avail.

Settling up was depressing as all were trying to make me either feel better or childish by stating things are fine when I come and don’t have to work here it is different being here all the time.

I am not here all the time.

Out to the MUN botanic gardens for a walk. Carol likes the plants, I marvel over the benches with ashtrays – pits in the ground – and two fire extinguishers every 100 metres or so. Why two fire extinguishers?

The official wind down begins as I head out to hand over some snaps – the liberated book and some other things for the wayward Wisconsinite, give them to a mutual friend to take over to her.

Race off to Pouch Cove to give a picture to Jonathan that I made earlier in the trip.

I wish Mary a happy retirement from Canada Post as I won't be around when she actually does.

Go to hand over picture of Russ and his new teeth to him. His daughter is there thus there is a short chat.

Sharon walks by and says that she liked the article in the Tely. Again state that I have seen it. She has a copy up at her place if I want to stop up for a mug up - but we have to get back into town.

On the way back swing by the wayward Wisconsin to have a chat that like everything else here takes a bit longer than expected.

Back in town where I make too much tomato soup – no bullion so not only is there too much but it is pretty tastless.

Over to the Duke to write while having a Smithwicks and a glass of Guinness. Leave as if I am coming back.

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