Sunday, 15 July 2007


i can get açaí – pure and in a smoothy here.


supposedly there is a starbucks – that wal-mart of coffee shops – opening in downtown st. john’s. their brigades were marching up water street handing out free samples.


Anonymous said...

Did they take you off into a dark alley and force you to try some?

I am losing my will to fight, I was trying to tell one of my students about Wal-Mart and to all of my buts she just kept saying, "but I can get glue sticks for 20 cents...!" They should put an end to art education majors.

rc-d said...

no i tried to spit at them when they passed hava java, those clean green smocks with their trays balanced perfectly with those - italian named sizes.

the st. john's area has three wal-marts add that to the bad column.