Friday, 26 August 2005

The next day it was still pouring rain, so much so that the streams were rivers the falls were making a racket as the water cascaded over the rocks – George mentioned this when out on the boat in Bonne Bay but it never really rained like this. Of course the weather along the Great Northern was great sunny 18-20 degrees…

I was in panic mode as I wanted to make sure that Ubaldo was working. I had made a promise that wouldn’t use it until the wedding as it is in a delicate state – but I was making snaps of people with it from time to time. I needed the film from Ange as I was going to shoot a roll with flash, take it over to Churchill Square and have them develop it to see if everything was fine.

Was more nervous than the bride.

The house was in chaos, tried to carry on three conversations at the same time. Found out that not only was I wanted at the rehersial dinner that evening but now Ally wanted me at the house at 10AM the next day to photograph the women getting their hair done - ah women in knickers getting their hair done… Angela was on the way out, introduced her to Earle ah the clash of accents – Fogo V. Trout River. They seemed to hit it off Angela talking like crazy, Earle in a daze.

Over to the Bagel Café for breakfast my St. John’s ritual the townie version of Granite Coffee, me gloating as there were quite a few vegetarian items on the menu. Had my samosa breakfast and hands sweating ordered for the bayman barkeep getting it wrong. No cheese on the omelette sausage, they gave her two other items instead of the cheese. White toast not wheat. She likes small cups as coffee gets cold in large ones like them large as I don’t have to keep asking for refills besides if you drink them fast enough…

She found the samosa interesting, got sausage chopped up in the omelette and wheat bread – heads would roll in Bonne Bay but here out of her element…

Headed over to the gallery where Jim showed me the article in The Telegram about the opening two paragraphs devoted to me we both said another line on the CV also he had sold a piece from the studio visit.

Angela was giving Elaine the third degree in that oh so endearing outport way.

Headed up to Bauline to photograph in the pouring rain – don’t know why I went so far – the roll finished headed back to drop off the film and well with nothing to do for an hour, the Duke and finally a Smithwick’s.

The usual afternoon crowd was there. someone was sitting in Clarke’s Beach so had to make do with another spot.

Again no one was using the pool table, or the dart board, something unthinkable in the Seabreeze.

She was to meet Clyde Rose later here as he was going to take her to Breakwater Books and show her around. Mentioned that the bookshop was closed and he actually lives there.

The film was fine.

Ah the evening I was in full townie mode. At the rehearsal, not being able to resist stood up when the priest asked if there is anyone here who knows why these two should not be joined…

Made digital snaps. The priest gave me pointers. The groom’s parents being Pentecostal, Jim thought that instead of friend of the bride or groom, it should be teetotaller or alcoholic.

When finished we headed over to Pretty Penny which was just sold – Jim’s mum asked after mine – for a light snack and the opening of presents. Railed against the Rooms, chatted with his sister that lives in Britain about life there now, talked with her husband – an unfortunate Telegraph reader, I know this for I saw The Guardian in the trash and dumpster dived for it. I do miss the Guardian it taught me that misspelling are not a problem. We chatted cricket and the ashes.

Again showing my bicoastal personality, needed this needed to argue the virtues of being what Orwell said – vegetarian and Guardian reader – needed to make snide comments about Tony Blair and the Labourlites, wax nostalgic for the true Labour and ignore Churchill’s comment.

Left caressing the Guardian taking the back road to Pouch thinking this is the life or yet another nice option – I could be the visual version of Clyde Rose – minus the 20 year olds – going back and forth between the ocean and the gulf of St. Lawrence.

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