Monday, 1 January 2007

The prints for the show at the end of January are ready to be driven down to Hinsdale to-morrow. I know that I shall get howls of derision from those Mercedes driving Wicker Park inhabitants but I really couldn’t take the whole process seriously.

At the WGAS we are told to spend the gross domestic product of emerging nations on the framing of work. I simply used frames – neutral thin black ones – from a show in 2001. They don’t look bad they don’t look good but simply are.

It could be that I know that most people will look at the snaps for a picto-second then move on. The techno-weenie in the group will notice the flaws the rest will say that is nice and move on.

It could be that I am rationalising but with little time to put this together over an extended holiday period where the art centre isn’t even open until to-morrow, this is the best that I could do. (not true as I like to feel mature and send all of this out and have it mounted then really feel like an artist as I can then complain on how much I had to spend and with a MasterCard no money is really involved).

I hope that it isn’t me casting aspersions on the venue – I say this as I am constantly thinking about the show in Pouch this summer but it is more which snaps not how they will be framed and hung.

I also do like the platinotypes. I am now convinced that it is the way to go.

In framing the snaps I had to take out the old ones – snaps that I hadn’t seen in 4 years. They seemed more about what I keep looking for. This could be due to the fact that I was a new C.F.A. and thus still coming to terms with the bombardment of new and old potential images.

It could be

It also could have something to do with the scenery changing but me not so in a strange situation I seek out the familiar in which the new is in the background. Crazy Golf courses with the famous buildings of the provinces scattered about. Outfield fences ending in Signal Hill.

It could also be spending more time in St. John’s – worse the DMZ between the capital and Mt Pearl - where while having great scenery, there are three Wal-Marts, McDonald’s, Tims, shopping centres and gasbars.

The images were less ikonic than the work I was doing last time I was there more subtle. This could be due to the portability of cameras, with Ubaldo not only could I marl at will, but carry a decent supply of film, something I couldn’t do with the Deardorff. But it also could be due to my relative ignorance about the place. I was making images to understand not showing what I understood via the images.

Does this mean I cannot have a sense of wonderment anymore when I am up there? doubt it. I was gobsmacked every time we saw the tablelands, Turning off at Wiltondale was always a new experience. I just looked at a map and wondered about places that aren’t St. John’s but aren’t an UNESCO heritage site either.

I do know that this time I am aware of what is on the Avalon and am going, searching out specific things. I am afraid that I will photograph things that I have already documented but haven’t actually seen yet.

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