Saturday, 13 January 2007

snow day

It took me some time to get moving the day of the snow but I am not sure if it was because I was expecting more and hoping to stay in to work on the books or because it finally looked cold outside and thus I should stay in and work on the books.

I would do a little walk on the south side. the path to Shoe Cove then finally develop some film.

It wasn’t all that bad, I was already too warm as I left the house. Met up with the evil twin who was going t pick up his mail.

-two targets are better than one. As we walk up the Main Road.

A two packages from me. The postal worker states that I am back again that she didn’t see me last year etc.

-stop by for tea.

Needless to say the short walk lasted a couple of hours and once again in the woods and it wasn’t the East Coast Trail as there was a river running through it. This was a walk that I couldn’t have done without the snow as I would have got lost. I followed foot prints along a path that was so narrow that I wouldn’t have guessed it a path. It went to claustrophia with the trees and snow to more and more astounding views of the Cape and as I moved further out Bay Verte Peninsula and Baccalieu Island. While I was in the woods for about 30 minutes I came out just a bit further up the road from where I entered.

Strange for Pouch no one was out. No sounds of skidoos or ATVs in the distance no chain saws.

Spoke and photographed someone shovelling – who shouldn’t have been, Jonathan again asked if I had photographed from his property.

Tea at the pipe house was a nice evening chat while we were waiting to see what Kennedy was doing that evening. Such a social butterfly when he hits the Rock.

When it was apparent that he wasn’t coming out, I went back to start developing film, trying not to psych myself out to proceed calmly.

Made the bathroom light tight and turned out all the lights. My measuring device is a film can 30ml. Made sure the temperature was correct and …underdeveloped negs.

It seems that even if the chemistry is fine when it is poured into the tank in a 15C room it isn’t when it comes out. they are printable but thin and what I had done that day so the ones that were too bad I could go back and re-photograph.

Deep breath. Deep breath. I go for the second batch trying to compensate for the temperature drop. This time a bit over but again usable except one roll from Ubirajara, it looked like the was sluggish due to cold – what pieces of trash those Swedes put out you’d think that a Swedish camera would work well in the cold. The Volvo…well.

Calm down eat something. Listen to an Ideas rerun. Round three.

Sleep with ease.

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