but whenever Aleks reaches for her camera it disappears.
Whether the rain and gale force winds stopped or not I had things to do to-day. I had given up any sort of idea of photographing in St. John’s, didn’t have my last meal at the Bagel Café. Headed over to the Pipe House to return the printer, straight edge, other sundries I had borrowed and some trousers.
Roger was there stayed a bit ranted about The Rooms in which they all joined in. Something was in the works that I cannot divulge until 1 February. Due to what I knew made some snaps and seeing that the sun had come out raced into St. John’s.
It is illogical but I love this city. Illogical because I have been to Rio/Niterói – which I love equally and in what they have to offer are not even close. I think that the reason if that both have great views, they are not amorphous, and cater to hopeless wanderers. While admittedly coming in on the Torbay Road isn’t the best view, it is something when Signal Hill comes into view.
Took Allendale Road in which is better as the entire city from Confederation Building to the Southside Hills are there in front of me.
Went to the rooms to photograph the Harbour, Narrows and Signal Hill one last time and regretted there wasn’t enough time to go to the Battery and photograph in the opposite direction.
Then I realised that it was sunny it was 2PM meaning less than three hours of light left and I was running errands. Bought Thaddeus’’s Terra Nova Suite and then raced back to Pouch, knowing that there were too many choices in St. John’s for me to function.
Well not race back. Stopped at the Hotel Newfoundland to buy two Globes and an Independent – don’t know why as I wasn’t planning on coming back to the Duke. Stopped in Middle Cove to make some snaps then again in Shoe Cove where I ran out of colour film thinking that, with the wind and rain, I would not be making too many snaps.
Kicked myself as it was a long slippery walk to the cove and it was precisely at the cove that I ran out.
Back to Bruce’s to buy an apple turnover for tea. Joked with Henry saying that this was his second home
-you didn’t go out did ya
-yes b’y
-in the rain and wind?
- the rain means that I don’t have to shower and the wind dries me off.
Say good-bye to him and the people behind the counter, get more film and finally walk every street in Pouch which was the goal for about a week now.
Some bayman formalism but more hints at habitation and a comment on how wrong the Rooms got it by photographing – not real ones but ones that were closer. I seemed to be focusing on lights that were left on outside houses. I am not sure what will come of them as it was not really dark enough for them to be apparent.
Said hello to Hap Vaters who had just come back from ATV in the woods and headed along Pouch Cove line to try to re-photograph a dory in front of a split level house.
The days are lengthening. At the beginning of the month it would have been dark by now but I was still making snaps.
But the sun did set and one more realisation that this all is drawing to a close.
Another turnover at Bruce’s where they offer me a lemon bar – am getting ready for the return south. Reach the house at dusk to watch someone over at Ted’s shed peeing into the ocean.
Being dark it was time to run the errands – buy new towels for the place and replace the inks I used - I had planned when I thought that the day was going to be a washout.
Head over to the Pipe House to tell my evil twin to hold his anecdotes on the goings on earlier until I get back when he asks if I want to go to dinner in town.
We head in. Drinks at the Duke first then the Gypsy Tea Room but passing the Bamboo Café, he says that it is good so why not. The bar is back to a manageable level people. Sue enters her boyfriend is waiting, soon enough John and Marion come in. We sit in Clarke’s Beach. I wonder why there is basketball on the large screen.
Dinner was good, hot and sour noodle dish for $7 and vegetarian dumplings. All told it cost $20. Plans are made. Ideas are tossed back and forth. Only three people in the restaurant one couple is seated by the door to the toilets.
Tariq passes, I run out he stops illegally and comes in, I mutter something about damned Upper Canadians.
I leave to-morrow. The twin leaves Tuesday and is trying to arrange a lift to the airport.
I am quiet looking at the city, we head up Holloway street – didn’t think that the Volvo had it in it – then over to a video shop that looks like the visual version of High Fidelity.
Then back I say good-bye to the Alex while her dog want to tear into me. My twin watches his video, I come back to put the place in order forgetting that it is Saturday. Saturday must be the worse night for programming on the CBC so I am at even more of a loss.
Sleeping means waking up.
Last day ritual wake to the national anthem and the Ode.
Science and Art
The teaching of the sciences and the arts needs to be conjoined and
sustained from the earliest stages of education. In the Foreward to
Platinotype my frie...
1 year ago
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